Bedroom Aids

Bedroom Aids
The bedroom can be a hazardous place for people with mobility issues. It also holds dangers for those with dementia and even people confined to the bed. Below are some of the items which can help make the bedroom a safer space.
Rails can protect the sleeper from falling and give them stability and support when getting into and out of bed. They stand on two legs and have a shelf-like projection that slips between the mattress and box spring to give them added stability.
Bedrails intended primarily for support are usually narrow, with a rounded top, while those meant to keep the sleeper from slipping out of bed are longer and rectangular. Look for a rail that is a comfortable height and provides solid support.
Bed Steps
Bed steps consist of a step-stool, or a series of one or two short steps, with an attached handrail. They are drawn up at the bedside and allow the user to comfortably transfer to the bed rather than struggling to climb in.
Look for steps that are the right height to easily step onto and put the user at the right level for transferring to the bed without effort.
Sit-to-Stand Poles
Sit-to-stand poles also called safety poles or security poles, are a type of vertical, free-standing grab bar that can be installed virtually anywhere — including by the bedside. Sit-to-stand poles can be floor-mounted with hardware, wall-mounted, or a combination of the both; some models use tension rather than hardware to hold them in place.
If you think you may want to move the pole at some point, opt for a tension-mounted model. Also, check the weight rating before purchasing to ensure that the pole will support the weight of the individual using it.
Pressure Pads
Pressure ulcers (sometimes called “bedsores”) can be a genuine danger for people confined to bed for long periods. Pressure sores are the breakdown of skin and underlying tissue due to prolonged pressure on the skin. Not only are they painful, but they are also an invitation to infection. Pressure pads help reduce the likelihood of developing pressure ulcers.
There are various types of pressure pads, from sheepskin pads to those filled with water, gel, or even air. Different shapes and sizes are appropriate for beds and wheelchairs. Which pad you should choose depends on your unique needs, so talk to your healthcare provider about which option is right for you.
Bed Sensor Pads
A bed alarm sensor pad may be a good choice for people in danger of falling or for those with dementia. Bed alarms consist of a pressure-sensitive pad that slips under the bed’s fitted sheet and a monitor unit that alerts if the pad no longer senses pressure. Some units may connect wirelessly.
The sensor pad itself comes in different sizes, depending on the user's weight, so make sure the unit you choose is appropriate for the size of the intended user.
These simple accessories can make the bedroom a much safer place.
The bedroom can be a hazardous place for people with mobility issues. It also holds dangers for those with dementia and even people confined to the bed. Below are some of the items which can help make the bedroom a safer space.
Rails can protect the sleeper from falling and give them stability and support when getting into and out of bed. They stand on two legs and have a shelf-like projection that slips between the mattress and box spring to give them added stability.
Bedrails intended primarily for support are usually narrow, with a rounded top, while those meant to keep the sleeper from slipping out of bed are longer and rectangular. Look for a rail that is a comfortable height and provides solid support.
Bed Steps
Bed steps consist of a step-stool, or a series of one or two short steps, with an attached handrail. They are drawn up at the bedside and allow the user to comfortably transfer to the bed rather than struggling to climb in.
Look for steps that are the right height to easily step onto and put the user at the right level for transferring to the bed without effort.
Sit-to-Stand Poles
Sit-to-stand poles also called safety poles or security poles, are a type of vertical, free-standing grab bar that can be installed virtually anywhere — including by the bedside. Sit-to-stand poles can be floor-mounted with hardware, wall-mounted, or a combination of the both; some models use tension rather than hardware to hold them in place.
If you think you may want to move the pole at some point, opt for a tension-mounted model. Also, check the weight rating before purchasing to ensure that the pole will support the weight of the individual using it.
Pressure Pads
Pressure ulcers (sometimes called “bedsores”) can be a genuine danger for people confined to bed for long periods. Pressure sores are the breakdown of skin and underlying tissue due to prolonged pressure on the skin. Not only are they painful, but they are also an invitation to infection. Pressure pads help reduce the likelihood of developing pressure ulcers.
There are various types of pressure pads, from sheepskin pads to those filled with water, gel, or even air. Different shapes and sizes are appropriate for beds and wheelchairs. Which pad you should choose depends on your unique needs, so talk to your healthcare provider about which option is right for you.
Bed Sensor Pads
A bed alarm sensor pad may be a good choice for people in danger of falling or for those with dementia. Bed alarms consist of a pressure-sensitive pad that slips under the bed’s fitted sheet and a monitor unit that alerts if the pad no longer senses pressure. Some units may connect wirelessly.
The sensor pad itself comes in different sizes, depending on the user's weight, so make sure the unit you choose is appropriate for the size of the intended user.
These simple accessories can make the bedroom a much safer place.