Braces & Supports
Orthopedic products are designed to relieve pain and promote healing when you have problems with your joints, bones or muscles. Find information on buying athletic tape, compression bandages, supports and braces for the wrists, elbows, ankles, shoulders, neck, back and torso.

Why do my feet hurt? It’s a common complaint, whether you’re an athlete, you have a chronic conditions like arthritis, or you’re just on your feet a lot. Mild foot pain and ankle pain often can be relieved by wearing a specialized ankle brace or foot support.

On the surface, athletic tape and compression bandages seem to have one simple purpose: to stabilize a weak or injured joint. They actually have many more benefits!

All it takes is one misstep, one lunge for the ball or one awkward landing from a jump, and boom: your knee goes out. The knee is a complex joint that’s uniquely susceptible to sprains, strains, tears and other injuries. In many cases, a knee brace can help support and stabilize the knee, both preventing injuries and helping them heal.
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After an injury to the neck, clavicle (collarbone) or shoulder, you may need a brace or other support to restrict movement and promote healing. We’ll walk you through the basics of choosing and wearing the right support.

Back pain is an incredibly common medical problem. It affects 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives, and can range from minor discomfort to severe debilitation.

The wrists, hands and fingers are susceptible to many medical conditions that can benefit from restricting the motion of the joints. Whether you need light support or total immobilization, there’s a brace, splint or support that can help.

The elbow isn’t just a simple hinge that moves your arm. It’s a complex part of the body involving three bones — the humerus, radius, and ulna — and three joints, plus cartilage, ligaments, nerves, muscles and tendons. When you experience elbow pain from an injury or overuse, an elbow brace or support may help.

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