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Simply Medical offers customers an assortment of soaps for various hygienic purposes, from handwashing to bathing. We carry a variety of your favorite brands and offer a range of packaging sizes. So whether you’re buying in bulk for the office or just getting a bar of soap for your family, Simply Medical has what you need.
Liquid Soap vs. Bar Soap
Shoppers can choose between buying soap in bar or liquid form. There are benefits and drawbacks to each type. For instance, liquid soap tends to be easier to lather, but it comes with more packaging, so it’s not as eco-friendly. Liquid soap is better for offices or people who share a bathroom with others, as liquid soap is less likely to accumulate bacteria from the hands of a user.
Meanwhile, bar soap is often kinder on the skin and the environment, but it can also be more slippery and difficult to use in high-traffic areas like restaurants and workplaces. If you suffer from allergies, dermatologists may recommend sticking to bar soap, as it contains fewer ingredients and has more fragrance-free, color-free options to choose from.
Whether you are looking for handwashing soap, face soap, or body soap, you can choose either liquid or bar depending on your preferences.
Types of Soap
Soap classifications will also focus on the use of the product.
Rinse-Free Body Soaps
While most soaps require water to do their job, rinse-free soap just needs to be applied to the body—no water required! Rinse-free soap and body wash can be used in various body areas and rubbed into the skin for a cleansing effect.
Daily cleaning can be difficult for some people, including the elderly and disabled, so rinse-free body soaps or washes are beneficial. If you are a caregiver or family member and have trouble cleaning someone who is bedridden or disabled, a rinse-free body soap may be the best option. Rinse-free body washes come in foam or spray formats for ease of use.
Combination Soaps
Some soaps and body washes are combination products that double as shampoo or conditioner. They help decrease the number of bottles in the bathroom and are especially convenient for the elderly and disabled. For example, 2-in-1 soap typically works as body wash and shampoo, while 3-in-1 is also a fun bubble bath.
Packaging of Soaps
Simply Medical offers multiple options for soap dispensing. Shopping for your family? A regular soap pump dispenser will do. Planning to get soap for an office building or business?
Consider buying in bulk or purchasing a professional wall-mounted soap dispenser that can be refilled with more cost-effective soap refill bags.
No matter what soap you choose from Simply Medical, it will be delivered to your doorstep quickly. Save a trip to the store and order online from the comfort of your own home.
Simply Medical offers customers an assortment of soaps for various hygienic purposes, from handwashing to bathing. We carry a variety of your favorite brands and offer a range of packaging sizes. So whether you’re buying in bulk for the office or just getting a bar of soap for your family, Simply Medical has what you need.
Liquid Soap vs. Bar Soap
Shoppers can choose between buying soap in bar or liquid form. There are benefits and drawbacks to each type. For instance, liquid soap tends to be easier to lather, but it comes with more packaging, so it’s not as eco-friendly. Liquid soap is better for offices or people who share a bathroom with others, as liquid soap is less likely to accumulate bacteria from the hands of a user.
Meanwhile, bar soap is often kinder on the skin and the environment, but it can also be more slippery and difficult to use in high-traffic areas like restaurants and workplaces. If you suffer from allergies, dermatologists may recommend sticking to bar soap, as it contains fewer ingredients and has more fragrance-free, color-free options to choose from.
Whether you are looking for handwashing soap, face soap, or body soap, you can choose either liquid or bar depending on your preferences.
Types of Soap
Soap classifications will also focus on the use of the product.
- Handwashing Soaps: This type of soap is used exclusively for hand hygiene. The Center for Disease Control recommends washing your hands before and after preparing food, eating, caring for someone who is ill, after using the toilet, blowing your nose, and handling pets. There are many different types of hand soaps to choose from.
- Antibacterial Hand Soap: Most hand soaps have some sort of antibacterial properties. However, some liquid soaps have a unique formulation to destroy more bacteria.
- Antimicrobial Hand Soap: Antimicrobial hand soaps kill more than just bacteria. Antimicrobial soaps can also kill viruses, parasites, and amoeba.
- Foaming Soap: Foam soap helps eliminate the need for lathering because it comes out ready from the soap dispenser. Foaming soap can be a time saver and can be fun for kids.
- Liquid Soap: Regular, non-foaming liquid soap.
- Bar Soaps for Handwashing: Using bar soap for handwashing helps eliminate waste, and often bar soap contains various natural ingredients to help prevent hands from drying out. Some bar soaps can also double as a body soap.
- Body Soap: While some soaps are for the hands only, others work for the whole body. Body cleansing soaps can be either in liquid or bar form, but Americans typically refer to liquid body soaps as body wash.
Rinse-Free Body Soaps
While most soaps require water to do their job, rinse-free soap just needs to be applied to the body—no water required! Rinse-free soap and body wash can be used in various body areas and rubbed into the skin for a cleansing effect.
Daily cleaning can be difficult for some people, including the elderly and disabled, so rinse-free body soaps or washes are beneficial. If you are a caregiver or family member and have trouble cleaning someone who is bedridden or disabled, a rinse-free body soap may be the best option. Rinse-free body washes come in foam or spray formats for ease of use.
Combination Soaps
Some soaps and body washes are combination products that double as shampoo or conditioner. They help decrease the number of bottles in the bathroom and are especially convenient for the elderly and disabled. For example, 2-in-1 soap typically works as body wash and shampoo, while 3-in-1 is also a fun bubble bath.
Packaging of Soaps
Simply Medical offers multiple options for soap dispensing. Shopping for your family? A regular soap pump dispenser will do. Planning to get soap for an office building or business?
Consider buying in bulk or purchasing a professional wall-mounted soap dispenser that can be refilled with more cost-effective soap refill bags.
No matter what soap you choose from Simply Medical, it will be delivered to your doorstep quickly. Save a trip to the store and order online from the comfort of your own home.